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個人病院は、美味しそうな食事で妊婦たちを誘う。Google Mapのトップ表示写真が食事になっている産院もあった。



English below

Choosing an Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic and the Story of Tears at that Maternity Hospital
Earlier this month, I had my first check-up as I entered the eighth month of pregnancy. I left home early in the morning at 6:30. The reason being that I moved to the suburbs at the end of April, but I’m still continuing to visit Aiiiku Hospital, which is in center of the Tokyo city. Whether by train or car, it takes 1 hour and 10-20 minutes from home.
To be honest, I was really indecisive about whether to give birth here. I wanted 24-hour painless delivery(which is rare in Japan), but considering my history of miscarriage and stillbirth as well as my maternal age, I felt it would be better to choose a hospital with a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and staff who can understand my husband’s English in case of emergencies. Finding a hospital in the suburbs that meets these criteria was extremely challenging.
I came back from Dubai directly to give birth in Japan. I believe in Japanese hospitality in the medical world, and I am so glad that I did.
I called multiple hospitals and attended virtual and in-person tours. Even a hospital where the top photo on Google Maps was of the meals they serve.
I’m worried because second deliveries often happen quickly once labor starts. Despite that, in the end, the only hospital that fulfilled the above conditions was the one I had been attending all along. It’s familiar to us, and they have our past data, providing a sense of security for both me and my husband. So, I made the decision to give birth there and paid the reservation fee of 2K USD.
This time, before the examination, I had the test for gestational diabetes, so I arrived early. Hormones are released from the placenta of pregnant women, and even healthy individuals are prone to developing diabetes. The risk increases with advanced maternal age. In my case, I failed the first screening, and they advised me to be careful with my diet. Recently, due to business trips and overeating at hotels, I haven’t been able to manage it properly, so I wasn’t confident.
The screening involved not eating from the previous evening and undergoing blood tests every hour for three times. I drank carbonated water with sugar in the morning to see how much my blood sugar level would rise. In the worst case, immediate hospitalization is required, but sometimes it ends with counseling, and there are times when they tell you not to worry about the results.
There was an hour of waiting time between each test. When asked about my condition, I mentioned that I felt a bit heavy after drinking the sweet carbonated water, and they let me lie down on the bed. After about 30 minutes, a midwife called me and said we should have the late-stage consultation during the waiting time. We discussed my concerns about gestational diabetes, worries about giving birth far from home, my soon-to-be 2-year-old daughter’s meals, and future toilet training. Just as we were about to leave, the midwife suddenly said, “Your first child’s memorial day is coming soon. Are you able to cry properly?” Upon hearing those words, tears welled up and I couldn’t stop crying for about 10 minutes. During that time, I had various conversations with the midwife.
It’s about to be three years since the child’s birth. I never forget it day by day. But right now, I’m so busy every day that I realize I haven’t thought about it. The nurse who was there when I gave birth to my older daughter was doing research for her thesis on how to support mothers who had stillbirths. We talked a lot for a week while I was hospitalized(a Japanese mom after birth stays in hospital for 1 week with a newborn normally ). The midwife said, “Oh, I know her well! ” That’s when I realized that the midwife was aware of my previous loss and was trying to create a safe space for me to express my emotions.
As I cried, the midwife listened attentively and offered words of comfort. She assured me that it’s normal to still feel the pain and grief even after several years and that it’s okay to let myself cry and mourn.
The midwife said, “We see moms like you (who had stillbirth or miscarriage) every day at work, actually.”
Hearing it made me cry harder.
The moms we meet are either those in the immediate after babyloss when they don’t hear much of anything and don’t want to talk to anyone or pregnant women who have since returned home pregnant. The former, of course, is overcome with grief, but many of the latter are also anxious, they say.
I, too, lost my child at the end of my seventh month of pregnancy, so I know how these pregnant women feel.
I want to do something, but I can’t do anything,” said the midwife. The midwife said, “I want to do something, but I can’t do anything.
I told her my project I was thinking about doing for the stillbirths, and what I was preparing to do, but my pregnancy was stopping me.
She said, “Great idea. I would love to help. But first, please don’t overdo it with your health, and have the baby you’re carrying.
I went back for a second blood test.
While waiting for the third time, the midwife came to talk to me again in the waiting room.
She said, “We want to help you, but even if you’re finally feeling better temporarily after this painful hyperemesis gravidarum, don’t push yourself too hard.”
With that, she left.
After the third blood test, I went into the doctor’s office and the usual doctor said to me, “Congratulations, you have gestational diabetes.
Congratulations, you do not have gestational diabetes.
But be careful. Because…”
He began to explain, comparing the past three years’ data with the current data.
I thought to myself, oh I am so glad I went to the same maternity hospital.
No hospital, private or large, is perfect.
For me , It is a place where they have past data and medical professionals who have the background to put words of love on it.
If you are interested in a project to help stillbirths and miscarriages in any way, please let us know! If not, and you know someone around you who has been through it, I’d love to talk to them.