5月末にグランドハイアット東京に宿泊しました続きです。This is a continued article of our stay at the Grand Hyatt Tokyo at the end of May.
第一弾、お部屋とクラブラウンジのディナーはこちら!Here is the first part, dinner in the room and club lounge!

What a surprise! Although the SPA (Fitness & Public Baths) has an admission fee of 1,350,000 yen for membership members, guests can enter for free.
However, to the great dismay of our pool-loving daughter, no one under 5 years old is allowed to enter. So we went there as a couple instead.
As a result…it was very nice! Sorry daughter! My mom went twice while you were sleeping, at night + noon the next day!

Since photos are not allowed, I was only able to take photos up to this lobby.
So here are some photos I borrowed…

The marble all over and the lighting, especially the indirect lighting, is amazing!
It felt more luxurious than any other pool I’ve been to.
The light is good and it is certainly a relaxing pool. The overall color is also very nice. It even feels somewhat sensual, even though it is a healthy pool. (It’s just my imagination.)
It is a little dark, so you don’t mind other people at all, in a good way. I thought this was understandable that children are not allowed in it. I guess they want to keep the atmosphere mature.
The Jacuzzi in the back also feels magical, clothed in light.
The baths, too, were thoroughly private, and each person in the washing area had a door to the shower room.
これはお借りした写真、男性用ですが女性用の着替える場所もこんな感じ。This is a picture I borrowed, it is for men, but the women’s changing area also looks like this.

お風呂のアメニティはKerstin Florian、調べてみると日本未発売のアメリカのブランドです。カモミールの香りのボディクリームがすごく良かった。The amenities in the bath are Kerstin Florian, an American brand not yet available in Japan, according to my research. The chamomile-scented body cream was very nice.
The hair dryer is a Repronizer, just like the one at the Ritz-Carlton, Osaka, which I visited in mid-May!
7時 クラブラウンジで朝食。7am: CLUB LOUNGE BREAKFAST
We Arrived at 10F where the lounge is located.

Lounge is available from 7:00 to 10:30. My husband went ahead and got a good window seat near the buffet.

この席、ちょっと奥まっててとても良かったです。窓から昔住んでた恵比寿方面を探したり、西麻布をを歩く人を見て娘も楽しみました。This seat was very nice and a little secluded. My daughter enjoyed looking out the window toward Ebisu, where we used to live, and watching people walking around Nishiazabu.


パンとサラダ。Bread and salad.

ホットフード Hot Foods

前夜デザートが入っていたところにはヨーグルトとフルーツが。Yogurt and fruit

This bread is so delicious that even the American wife next to us commented to each other, “This almond bread is too good, it’s a calorie bomb. You must try it!
My daughter took it from me.

9時 朝散歩 & お友達とラウンジでお茶 9am: Morning walk & tea at the lounge with friends
毛利庭園を通って Through the Mouri Garden.

We went to Mikawadai Park, one of the venues for the Roppongi Art Night. It is a 10-minute walk from Hills.
There is a lot of playground equipment, and I could play with the curtains that are art piece.

紫陽花がとても綺麗。朝にちょうどいい気持ちいい公園でした。Hydrangeas are very beautiful. It was a nice park just right for the morning.

And a friend of mine from when I was a Facebook community manager came over because she was in the neighborhood and gave me a bunch of her favorite toys, building blocks, to take home! Thank you so much. Then we had tea in the lounge.

12時 お昼寝 0pm: Daughter’s nap time, Mommy’s Spa time!
娘が昼寝の間に私は前夜に続き2回目のNAGOMI SPAへ❤️至福時間。ちなみに私は体験しませんでしたが夫曰くマッサージチェアが最高だったとのこと。ぜひ次回はやりたい!
Normal check-out time is 12:00, but thanks to our Whirl Hyatt Club status, check-out time is 2:00. After a quick lunch in the room, my daughter was able to take a nap.While she napped, I went to NAGOMI SPA for the second time since the previous night ❤️ and had a blissful time. By the way, I didn’t experience it, but my husband said the massage chair was the best. I would like to try it next time!
2時にレイトチェックアウト 2pm: Late checkout
Unrelated, but I love the urban and modern artwork of the Grand Hyatt Tokyo.
I’ve thought about it every time I’ve come to the restaurant before, but this time I’m convinced.
The fact that I stayed at the hotel on Art Night this time (& on the day of my registry) made me see its sophisticated beauty even more.

じゃーね!ありがとうグランドハイアット!Bye! Thanks Grand Hyatt!

おまけ 国立新美術館へ Stopping by the National Art Center, Tokyo.
My daughter had a good nap, so after that we went to the National Art Center, Tokyo to see some art and then came home. If not, it is hard to make plans because it is hard to read where she will fall asleep, so I would like to take advantage of the late check-out as much as possible.

グランドハイアット東京 子連れステイ感想