はじめに:アンダーズ東京とはどんなホテル?Introduction: What is Andaz Tokyo Like?
アンダーズ のなかで世界で12番目にできたアンダーズ東京は、世界一評判が高いから行ってみたい、という夫。
最近ホテル、特に高級ホテルに泊まりすぎで特別感がなくなってしまうのでは、と私は懸念していたのですが、夫・私・娘と三人が6月誕生日だったのと、出産前さすがにこれが最後かな?ということで、行ってきました!なので毎回の如く、完全にJust for fun(仕事ではなく楽しむことが目的)です。
Last weekend, we went to stay at Andaz Tokyo!
Andaz Tokyo calls itself “Lifestyle hotel”. It’s a luxury hotel that combines design and hospitality.
Andaz Tokyo is the twelfth Andaz hotel in the world. My husband wanted to go because it has the highest reputation in the world.
I was concerned that staying at hotels, especially luxury ones, too often would make it lose its specialness. However, since my husband, daughter, and I all have birthdays in June, and considering this might be our last chance before the birth, we decided to go!
The name “Andaz” means “personal style” in Hindi. While it is part of the Hyatt chain, it aims to have its own unique personality and charm.
1階の、Andazのエレベーターに上がる前からもう美術館みたいな美しさ。 The first floor, even before going up to the elevator of Andaz, is as beautiful as a museum.

ちなみに私今妊娠33週で、お腹が特大な相撲妊婦です。Btw, I am 33 weeks pregnant. I am so close to pop!

廊下を通るだけでワクワクします。It is exciting to go through this hallway

エレベーターごとに、和紙で出来たアートが。Every elevator has Japanese paper art

51階に上がると、いい匂いがします。そして寄木細工やアートなど、日本文化や美学に触発されたデザインに、目が奪われました。When we went up to the 51st floor, there was a pleasant fragrance. And I was captivated by the design inspired by Japanese culture and aesthetics, such as parquetry and art.

The front desk and lounge were truly lovely.
The most important thing for us was that the environment was suitable for a family with a 2-year-old child.
As a result, there were excellent services for children, and we were able to create memorable moments as a three-generation family.
デザインと景色が魅力! な客室へ Into the Alluring Design and View of the Guest Rooms
Let’s step into the guest rooms of Andaz Tokyo.
Since I reached the highest World Hyatt membership status called “Globalist,” our room was upgraded this time.
We descend from the 51st-floor front desk to the 47th-floor.
The hallway is beautiful! It gives the impression of Japanese sliding doors (shoji). Each time I passed through the soft light, it brought me joy.

東京を一望できる景色 広々とした空間が広がっています。
A panoramic view of Tokyo: A spacious space unfolds before us.



The stylish walnut table catches the eye. It reflects the attention to detail by Tony Chi, a Taiwanese-American designer.
お部屋のタイプは”Twin City View ツインシティビュー”。
Since we invited my mother this time, a third bed and a baby cot for our 2-year-old daughter were prepared. The size is 50m2(538ft2), which is pretty big as Tokyo standard though.

・でもバスルームエリアが広い。洗面所エリアの台も広い。ソープ、シャンプーコンディショナー、ボディバームがAesopでした。The sink area is also spacious. The soap, shampoo conditioner, and body balm were provided by Aesop.

・日本のホテルよりもクローゼットエリアが広いです。Closet Area is bigger for Japanese Standard.

The room is equipped with all the necessary amenities, and they are open to fulfilling various requests.

Andaz pays attention to even small details such as lamps and switches in the room.

Additionally, the items in the minibar are available for unlimited eating and drinking, which is delightful!

・バスタブが広いお風呂 Spacious Bathtub
The round bathtub is stylish and spacious! The pool is only open to those over 4 years old, so my 2 year old daughter thought this was a pool. LOL!

宿泊者限定ラウンジ A Lounge Accessible to Guests

なので少しLimited感は落ちる。(5月に宿泊したGrand Hyatt Tokyoはクラブメンバーのみでした)




This space is truly serene, and what’s more, we were told that it’s fine to invite friends for a short time.
So, I spontaneously contacted my friends the night before on 1130pm.
Surprisingly, many came to visit during our stay. Thank you so much, everyone.
In the lounge, there were always snacks available, and the staff brought soft drinks upon each order.
I spent time with my friends.
We wrote wishes for Tanabata (Star Festival).
During the evening from 5 to 7 pm, it was cocktail time. There were snacks like quiche, but compared to the dinner at Grand Hyatt’s club lounge, it was more like appetizers or light snacks. It didn’t feel like a proper meal, and I suspected that many of them were frozen food.
However, it was nice to be able to treat my friends to cocktails, even if just a little, although I can’t drink myself.
充実のアメニティ 子供用も大人用もリクエスト可能 Extensive Amenities for Both Adults and Children
Since it’s not a hotel specifically geared towards children, I didn’t have high expectations. However, at the end of May, when I checked out of Grand Hyatt and received free diapers, I thought it would help reduce our luggage. So, I called ahead to Andaz and inquired if we could request similar items this time, and they confirmed that we could.
Items we received and were glad to have: 5 diapers, baby lotion, baby oil, a toothbrush, and kids’ slippers.
Items already prepared in the room: baby bed, diaper disposal bin, kids’ yukata (casual kimono), kids’ bathrobe, and kids’ towel.
They provided the necessary quantity of diapers in different sizes (S, M, L). It was a huge help since diapers take up a lot of space! They were Merries diapers, to be precise.
In addition, we could request various items for adults, such as deodorant, laundry detergent, brushes, skincare sets (Yukibiksei), and hair spray. The amount was so impressive that, apart from clothes and cosmetics, we could have come empty-handed. It felt like we had just gone shopping at a regular drugstore.

宿泊客はBarオーダーなしでも、景色を見にルーフトップへ Guests can enjoy the view at the rooftop bar even without placing an order.
It’s located on the 52nd floor, which is above the 51st floor. Although normally it’s an area exclusive to the bar, the front desk informed us that as hotel guests, we could enjoy the view.

なので友人たちも一緒に上へ。So, we went up with our friends.

In the evening, my husband and I went to see Tokyo Tower, just the two of us. Thanks to my mother, who put our 2-year-old daughter to bed earlier, we were able to enjoy a little date atmosphere together. Thank you, Mom.
I used to work right in front of Tokyo Tower, and until last year, we lived in the city center, so maybe I wasn’t particularly excited about it. However, now we live in the suburbs near my parents’ house, preparing for the birth of our second child, so this view was quite special for us as visitors.
Although we really wanted to visit the bar, we didn’t have enough time, so we’re grateful to the team at Andaz Tokyo for opening up the rooftop like this!

子供が遊ぶエリア For the Children: Play Area
Although there were no dedicated kids’ clubs or playrooms, there was a grassy area on the ground floor of Toranomon Hills. It featured art installations and a small sloped area with soft flooring. My daughter, who just turned two last week, had a great time there.
Water would emerge and form a rainbow, and she could enter the art installations as if they were beckoning her, saying, “Come, come.” It’s a place where foreign children living in Toranomon Hills also come to play, so she made friends and ran around together with them.

チェックイン・チェックアウト Check-in and Check-out
As World of Hyatt members with the elevated “Globalist” status, we were guaranteed an early check-in starting from 12 PM and a late check-out until 4 PM the following day. Normally, check-in is at 3 PM and check-out is at 12 PM.
Thanks to this arrangement, we were able to let our daughter take a 1-2 hour nap on both the first and second days. During that time, my husband and I could take a short rest or go to the pool.
It may be a routine thing, but it’s truly appreciated when traveling with a child. Even though activities are temporarily paused during nap time, without it, as a pregnant woman, I wouldn’t be able to rest, and if we didn’t let our daughter nap, she might get sleepy and become fussy later without knowing where to sleep.
アンダーズ東京のデザインについて About the Andaz Tokyo Design
I thought the design was very lovely, so I looked it up later, and Andaz explained it as follows:
>The concept behind the design by Tony Chi is “memory.” He loves origami and describes its charm as the “memory” that resides in each fold, shaping the form as it unfolds. He likened origami to shaping one’s life through various experiences. The wish is for guests to accumulate experiences here at Andaz and walk a fulfilling life. The use of washi paper throughout the facility is also because it carries the memories and thoughts of the craftsmen.

まとめ:アンダーズ東京は子連れファミリー含めた全世代、都心のデザインを楽しみたい人にお勧め I recommend the Andaz Tokyo hotel to people of all generations, including families with children, who want to enjoy the design of the city center.
While Andaz Tokyo is not marketed as a hotel specifically for children, it is originally positioned as a luxury and design hotel. Based on my previous experiences, I wasn’t worried because I knew that luxury hotels, especially those from international chains, provide services catering to various customers, including babies and children. As a result, it turned out to be a hotel where families with children can thoroughly enjoy their stay.
I spoke with a manager at the hotel, and they mentioned that there has been an increase in families visiting from overseas recently. Indeed, I saw many families with children of elementary and middle school age who were not Japanese.
One downside for families with children is that they are not allowed to use the pool. However, apart from that, the hotel is fully accessible and provides amenities and services suitable for families, such as the grassy park within Toranomon Hills, kids’ amenities, room accommodations, and high chairs in the restaurants. It was a very enjoyable hotel for families.
Of course, there are also many couples and adults visiting for other purposes! I highly recommend giving it a try.
私たちは、毎年特典宿泊券がもらえるクレジットカードChase Hyatt cardを持っていて、これのクレカポイントでお得に泊まっているのですが、アメリカの住所を持っている人しか発行できず・・・・

なのでここからはアメリカ在住者・住所がある人向き 。 下に日本在住者向けもあるよ
Andaz isn’t cheap place to stay. We have a credit card called Chase Hyatt card that offers annual reward stay certificates.
We accumulate and use points with this card. It can only be issued to people with a US address.
Here’s the referral URL: https://www.referyourchasecard.com/205j/2WIGPJZ4JR
Guess what? The sign-up bonus is 60,000 points.
It’s roughly equivalent to a one-night stay at Andaz Tokyo, which usually costs around 30,000 points. That’s two nights!
Moreover, Andaz is the highest category within the Hyatt brand, so if you choose a lower category like Hyatt Regency, you can stay for even more nights.
So far, there haven’t been better offers for the Hyatt Business Card.
By the way, a business card doesn’t necessarily mean you need to have a company.
So, you noticed the secret method we used to stay affordably! We’re staying affordably by using this credit card.
それは!!World of Hyatt(ワールドオブハイアット)の無料メンバーになることです。
・キーテラス白浜 Key Terrace Shirahama
・リッツカールトン大阪 Ritz-Carlton, Osaka 1日目中華とお部屋 2日目スパ・ロビーラウンジ
・グランドプリンス大阪ベイ(ハイアットリージェンシー大阪)Grand Prince Osaka Bay (Hyatt Regency Osaka)
・グランドハイアット東京 Grand Hyatt Tokyo お部屋 ラウンジ朝食とスパ
・箱根ハイランドホテル Hakone Highland Hotel

撮影協力:Paul Nagano Hiroshi 同じシーンでもスマホと全然違う、雰囲気のある写真に切り取ってくれる天才です。