シアトルでもいろんなホテルに泊まってみよう、とのことで、今回はシアトルから30分ほどの、エドワード州立公園のTHE LODGE AT ST. EDWARD STATE PARK (ザ ロッジ アット セイント エドワード ステートパーク)へ。
Hello, this is Ami! I’ve been in Seattle since the beginning of July.
As part of our plan to stay in various hotels in Seattle, we visited THE LODGE AT ST. EDWARD STATE PARK, which is about 30 minutes from Seattle, in Edward State Park.
This place is actually a hidden gem with a high review rating of 4.6 on Google Maps.
While it doesn’t have the flashiness of nightlife, it’s a perfect spot for those who want to enjoy calm and beautiful nature.
Also, it’s a great hotel for those looking for a place to relax with a baby or a quiet retreat.

The lodge is located in Edward State Park, surrounded by greenery. Just a short walk will reveal breathtaking greenery!

ホテルになる前の歴史が面白い It used to be Seminary!
今ではSmall Luxury Hotelという、世界中にある「小さいラグジュアリーホテル」のネットワークにも加盟。私たちもそのツテで知りました。(私たちはSLHのファンで、今年は京都二年坂の「そわか」や、東京目黒の「ホテル雅叙園東京」にも宿泊しました。)
This building was actually a school where people stayed and studied to become priests. Unlike many American hotels, especially those in the Hilton chain, which often have plain walls with no particular decoration, this place has intricate details on the walls and ceilings that are quite impressive.
Completed in 1931, it was used as a school for priests for 45 years. One of the students negotiated to open the vast land as a state park, and the state purchased it. In 2017, the main building was converted into a hotel.
It is now part of the Small Luxury Hotels of the World network, which we discovered through our love for SLH. This year, we also stayed at “Sowaka” in Kyoto Ninenzaka and “Hotel Gajoen Tokyo” in Meguro, Tokyo, which are part of SLH.
Interestingly, this history is not prominently featured and can only be discovered in the hidden basement, nor is it highlighted on the hotel’s website. While Japanese people might emphasize this history, it might not be as important to Americans.

朝食会場のレストランはCeder +Elm。元神学校の神父見習いたちが食事をとっていた時そのままで、とても素敵な場所でした。壁や照明、天井などじっくり見てしまった。
The restaurant for breakfast is Cedar + Elm. The setting is exactly as it was when the novice priests dined here, and it was a lovely place. I took a close look at the walls, lighting, and ceilings.

少しでもフレッシュなものを食べたくてスモークサーモンサンド、美味しかったけれど一つ19ドル+TAX(ワシントン州は10%)+チップに 15-20%。
I wanted something fresh, so I had a smoked salmon sandwich. It was delicious but cost $19 + TAX (Washington State is 10%) + tip (15-20%).
So, considering that this salmon sandwich alone costs nearly 4,000 Japanese yen, it feels expensive.
(I tend to convert prices to yen out of habit!)
The salmon sandwich was very tasty, but in Japan, you could have a buffet breakfast at a nice hotel for 4,000 yen, which makes me laugh.
My husband had the classic American breakfast. It’s great when you want something hearty, but it’s quite greasy. This was also $18.
バーも美しい。こちらはThe Heritage Bar

We couldn’t visit the bar as we had a baby with us, but there is also a barber-themed bar on the first floor
家族全員で楽しめるアクティビティ Activities
The biggest attraction of staying at the lodge is the variety of activities available.
Here’s what we did:
Cycling: We rented a bike with a baby seat and explored the scenic trails of the park.

- ウォーキング:抱っこひもやベビーカーで赤ちゃんを連れて、豊かな森林をのんびり散歩。Walking: We took a leisurely walk through the lush forest with our baby in a carrier or stroller.

- ピクニック:ランチを持参して、ロッジの手入れの行き届いた芝生や近くの草原で楽しむ。テーブルもたくさんありました。 Picnic: We brought our lunch and enjoyed it on the well-maintained lawns or nearby meadows. There were plenty of tables available.

- ピックルボールとバスケットボール:広い体育館が貸切!赤ちゃんが横でボールを追いかけてる間に、親はピックルボール(アメリカで人気の、卓球とテニスを掛け合わせたような球技)とバスケを楽しみました。Pickleball and Basketball: The large gym was all ours! While our baby chased the ball, we enjoyed playing pickleball (a popular sport in the US, a mix of table tennis and tennis) and basketball.

- 公園の遊具:州立公園には充実した遊具が!この日は3歳娘はグランマグランパと過ごしていましたが、ああ連れて来たかった!!と強く後悔した瞬間でした。Playground: The state park has well-equipped playgrounds! Our 3-year-old daughter spent the day and night with her grandparents, but I deeply regretted not bringing her along when I saw the playground.

ホテルの中には現代アートがいっぱい The lodge is filled with modern art
The lodge features works by local artists in the hallways and common areas. The modern art pieces, inspired by serene landscapes and nature, create a calm environment that both parents and babies can enjoy. It seems that artists also come to give talks!

広々としているとは言いづらい部屋ですが、それには理由が。ここ、神父見習いさんたちの宿舎だったんです!ベビーベッドも用意してくれましたが、赤ちゃんが自由に動ける広さ、とはなかなか言えないかも。ただ、シャンパンを用意してくださったり、アメニティもリクエストいろいろできたり、不便はなかったです!The room isn’t particularly spacious, but for a reason. It used to be the dormitory for novice priests! They provided a crib, but it wasn’t spacious enough for a baby to move around freely. However, they did provide champagne, and we could request various amenities, so it wasn’t inconvenient.

While we usually stay in hotels located in the center of convenient cities, both in America and Japan, this stay in a nature-surrounded location was wonderful. My husband and I found ourselves talking a lot. It’s about 30 minutes from Seattle. I recommend it for those who want to spend some relaxing time in Northwest nature, away from the urban hustle of Seattle!