前回2年前の記事:自宅マタニティフォト撮影の裏側 事前と当日 Behind the scene- Maternity photo shooting at home
日本のマタニティフォトというと、基本的には「ふわふわ」なイメージ、または「Tシャツxデニム」というカジュアルなイメージが多いのですが、私はちょっとカッコいい写真が好み。なので、英語で”pregnancy photography” “maternity photograhy”というふうに検索しました。また2年前長女妊娠中のシルエット写真もとても気に入っていたので、それも参考に。
理想の写真を何枚も見つけると、私が欲しい写真の方向性はシティ風クール・クラシック・シルエット写真 ということがわかりました。
2)関係者に事前共有 超重要!
- シティでおしゃれに:カラフルな壁画や都会の風景をバックにして、おしゃれな雰囲気の写真
- クラシックに:背景を使って、洗練されたクラシックなポートレート。
- シルエット写真:夕日の背景や明るい光の中でのシルエット写真は、とってもアートな雰囲気になります。
- リラックス:家の中や近所の公園。他にも庭園、静かなビーチなど、自然の中でリラックスして撮影するのも素敵。
- エモーショナル:二人の、または家族の特別な思い出の場所
- 可愛い:花畑や海外の写真では結構これが定番。
4) 理想のマタニティフォトを見ながら服装やプロップス(小物)を決める。
- 服装
- お腹を見せたいのか?そうじゃないのか?を元に決める
- 普段から着ているワンピ写真でいつもと比べるのも良いね
- 小物
- 可愛くしたいなら、フラワークラウン、一輪の花も良い。
- 妊娠記録の写真も良いし、一言カードも良いかも。
- 私は今回、手持ちの帽子を使うと顔がちょうどよく隠れてカッコよくなるとフォトグラファーさんと気づいたので、よく使いました。
Maternity photos are a fantastic way to capture the beautiful moments of pregnancy and the glow of becoming a new mother. If you’re a soon-to-be mom looking to take some awesome photos, read on! I’ll share some ideas on finding inspiration from Instagram and Pinterest, and how to pick the perfect location and background, and clothing/props that suits your style.
- Find Inspiration from Instagram and Pinterest:
- To get ideas for your maternity photos, search on Instagram and Pinterest for styles that match your preferences.
- In Japan, maternity photos often have a “soft and fluffy” vibe or a “T-shirt and denim” casual look. But if you’re like me and prefer something a bit cooler, try searching in English using keywords like “pregnancy photography” or “maternity photography.”
- I also loved silhouette photos during my first pregnancy two years ago, so I kept that in mind too.
- Share Your Ideas with Everyone Involved:
- Talk to your photographer beforehand, especially if it’s their first time shooting maternity photos. Sharing your ideas will help them understand what you want.
- Don’t forget to discuss your hairstyle with your hairstylist during your last beauty salon visit before the shoot. I got some specific advice, like using a bit more oil to style my hair instead of making it too fluffy.
- If your husband or anyone else will be in the photos with you, show them some inspiration pictures too. It’s essential that everyone knows what you have in mind.
- Choose Your Ideal Location and Background:
- Go for a trendy city vibe with colorful murals or urban landscapes as the backdrop.
- For a classic look, use a studio background for polished and timeless portraits.
- Silhouette photos against a beautiful sunset or bright light source create an artistic and stunning atmosphere.
In my case, I wanted to try all three themes, so I decided to have my shoot at Andaz Tokyo, where they have amazing art installations and it’s on the 51st floor!
- Other ideas could include relaxing shots at home or in a nearby park, emotional pictures at a special place with your partner or family, or cute photos with flower crowns or overseas vibes.
- Plan Your Outfits and Props While Looking at Your Ideal Photos:
- Decide if you want to show off your belly or not and choose your outfit accordingly.
- Small props like flower crowns or single flowers can add a cute touch.
- Consider documenting your pregnancy journey with photos or adding some written cards.
- I used hats in my photos because my photographer noticed they made my face look cool and covered just right.
Maternity photos are like a little treat for yourself. Pregnancy can be tough, with discomfort and unexpected troubles, but it’s also a special time filled with anticipation for your little one. So, this photo shoot is for you and your baby (that’s our excuse!). Now, you can find inspiration from moms all around the world, pick your favorite location and background, and capture beautiful memories in your maternity photos. Remember, this is a fleeting moment, so cherish the joy right before giving birth—it’s totally worth it!
Yes, baby is coming soon!
My due date is August 16th, but because my home is far from the hospital,
I’m planning to have a scheduled childbirth.
Also, 3days ago at clinic, I was told that I’m already 2 cm dilated.
Now, it’s all up to the baby! 👶
Feeling excited and a little nervous as I prepare to meet the little one soon! 🌬️
The fear right now is having delivery in a taxi or at home 🫠🚕🏠.
My first child was born a little over 8 hours after my water broke, so my main concern is making it on time and having a safe delivery.
Today is also the day of my 2nd child’s stillbirth three years ago 👼.
Life is precious. The little one inside this belly, your child, and your life – they are all miracles ⭐️🫀
and I truly believe that from the bottom of my heart.”
#PregnancyJourney #BabyOnTheWay #MiraclesInLife #CherishingLife #MotherhoodLove