English Below
Our two months in the US are almost over. With only a month left until we return home, time has flown by.
The biggest change I’ve noticed in the past two months, especially in August, is that my eldest daughter has almost completely switched to speaking English. This isn’t a boast about my daughter being bilingual, but rather a reflection on the unexpected challenges of raising a child in a foreign country. While bilingual education is often seen as a single concept, the experience of teaching Japanese to children living abroad is vastly different from teaching English to children in a native English-speaking country. I was already aware of the challenges involved, but my understanding has deepened significantly.
Since August, my daughter has been spending two to three days a week at my in-laws’ house, and she absolutely loves it. She gets to play with her cousins, too. Of course, no one speaks Japanese at my in-laws’ place, so when she comes home, she continues speaking almost exclusively in English.
I realized just how English-centric our home had become when a friend of ours from Seattle, who has been living there for years, visited us. She was surprised and commented, “Wow, she’s really prioritizing English!” Most Japanese children attending Japanese preschools or kindergartens in the US primarily use Japanese in their daily lives, so my friend wondered why our daughter, living in Tokyo, was so different. I realized that I had been unconsciously responding to my daughter’s English, so I’ve made a conscious effort to reply in Japanese even when she speaks to me in English.
Around the same time, I started meeting other Japanese mothers with older children and learned about the challenges of balancing local schools with weekend Japanese supplementary schools. Once kids start attending local schools, they primarily speak English with their friends during the week and gradually forget Japanese. To maintain their Japanese language skills, they need to attend supplementary schools on weekends. These schools cram a week’s worth of Japanese learning, including kanji reading and writing, into a single day.
There are two main types of Japanese schools: those affiliated with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), and more casual ones that are like extracurricular activities. The MEXT-affiliated schools are still quite traditional, with some even prohibiting the use of electronic dictionaries.
Since American schools already have a lot of homework, adding a full day of Japanese study on Saturdays, along with additional Japanese homework, can be quite a burden on children.
I have friends who grew up in the US but have perfect command of Japanese, including formal language and writing. They all attended Japanese supplementary schools, which suggests that learning Japanese is culturally important.
However, for elementary school students, being forced to learn a language they don’t use daily can be difficult, and many children end up quitting. It’s especially challenging for kids involved in sports teams, as Saturdays are often occupied with practices and games. Japanese is a minority language, so unless you’re a big fan of anime or Japanese culture, you don’t need it for daily conversations with friends. It’s understandable why kids might not want to spend their Saturdays doing difficult homework.
If we decide to live in the US long-term in the future, we’ll have to consider whether or not to send our daughter to a Japanese supplementary school. It will depend on how much she’ll need to use Japanese in the future, whether it’s for work, family conversations, or simply enjoying manga. As parents, we naturally want her to be as proficient as we are, but we’ve learned that it requires a lot of effort and sacrifice from both parents and children, and many local parents have given up on reaching that level.
We’ll be returning to Japan for now, but we haven’t decided when or if we’ll move back to the US long-term. Should we send her to kindergarten or elementary school? Japanese elementary schools offer a wide range of subjects and are more structured, but American schools are more flexible and encourage independent thinking. American schools might be more laid-back, but they’re also more freedom. I’ve actually visited a couple of schools. I also have a friend who moved to Malaysia with her family for educational reasons. I plan to visit her this year or next.
An American friend I met today said, “Since you can live in Japan, you should take advantage of it.” On the other hand, Japanese mothers who have chosen to live in the US say, “It’s definitely better here. It’s more free and there are fewer rules.” I’m torn. What’s the best choice? Where we live isn’t just about education. It’s also important for parents to live in a place where they can thrive and pursue their goals. I want to continue thinking about this carefully, even if it’s at a leisurely pace.
Incidentally, when I talked to my husband about language, he took a very practical approach, saying that being fluent in English is essential for economic success. While I agree with him to some extent, I believe that language is more than just an economic tool. It’s also about connecting with family, shaping one’s identity, and experiencing the world on a deeper level.
This has turned into a long post, but if you’re interested in learning more, I recommend watching this Abema video. It explains how understanding kanji is difficult without experiencing Japanese culture firsthand, such as visiting temples and shrines.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic!