English text below

ドバイモールの中編 Inside of Dubai mall
1) 水族館の前 In front of Aquarium

2)3Fフードコートの一部 Food Court


3) 3Fリールシネマ横 Game center next to Reel cinema

ドバイモールの外編 Outside of Dubai mall
1) ドバイファウンテン 噴水 Dubai Fountain
Burj Khalifa ブルジュ・ハリファの噴水は圧巻。

2)レイクの周りを散歩 Walk aroudn the lake



3)ブルジュハリファ パーク Burj Khalifa Park

1)Le Petit Palais Galaries Lafayette Le Gourmet The Mall – Dubai
2)Cheeky Monkey Dubai Mallの横にあります
Dubai Mallのすぐ隣のSouk ALBaharのの中にあります

日常はインスタグラムやTIktokに投稿しています。 是非是非覗いてみてねー!
Dubai Mall is the world’s largest shopping mall located in Downtown Dubai. It is so large that you could spend a whole day and still not get around the mall. So your children may get bored of shopping.
The mall does not have a free playground like department stores in Japan, but there are actually many places where you can play for free. There are also parks and large areas outside. For a fee, there are also places that will take care of kids.
With a one year old daughter, we lived for a month in downtown Dubai, where the Dubai Mall is located.
Today I will list some of those places where you can let them play for free. I will also show you a few places that charges a fee.
Inside of Dubai mall
1) In front of Aquarium
I wrote about the Dubai Aquarium in the previous article, but you can enjoy it from outside as well.
If you go up one elevator from the crowded main floor, you can see as many fish as you like with few people.
We lived nearby, so we saw the fish in the aquarium many times to get her in the mood before we went inside. LOL!
Once inside, it’s just as interesting, so I recommend actually going in!
For a detailed report on our actual entry into the aquarium, click here!
(2) Play area the food court on the 3rd floor Food Court
There is a game center for toddlers next to a slide that is fun for children up to about 7 years old.
We used to take our daughter here there because they seemed to enjoy just climbing and sitting on the rides. She is still one year old, just happy even if the rides are not moving.
If you pay to get inside of the soft play area , you can enjoy the slides and other activities , a place where you take off your shoes. We played here once.
(3) Game center next to Reel cinema on the 3rd floor
This is a large game center where adults can also play. It is a bit dark and blue room, but there are many rides and games for toddlers. My 1 year old was again just happy getting on and off. Of course you can pay to each ride.
It is quite spacious.
Outside of Dubai mall
1) Dubai Fountain
Burj Khalifa The fountain at Burj Khalifa is a sight to behold.
Kids love the fountain! The fountain, which can be seen every 30 minutes starting at 6:00 a.m. every night is incredibly powerful. Babies and toddlers were dancing with the lights along with Arabic music.
2) Walk around the lake
Around the Burj Khalifa Lake, where the Burj Khalifa fountain is located, there are many well-maintained paths that are easy to walk on.
It is so unrealistically clean that you might think, these roads might be in a theme park or something. It is not a lawn, but it is safe and bright, so I think it is fun to walk around the lake before or after seeing the fountain.
This is what it looks like during the day
We took a walk every day, especially right after we arrived to get her to get a lot of exercise until nighttime to help her get over her jet lag.
Climbing stairs is a booming activity for my daughter.
The kids love these colorful lights.
We made friends when we played here.
3) Burj Khalifa Park
There is a grassy park. You can see the fountain from here. I had a great time at Burj Khalifa Park.
Running on the grass is a great way to dissipate the kids energy! Sometimes there are food stands too.
Paid play area
There are also places where you can drop your child for a short time with a fee.
My daughter is only 1 year old, so it’s tough, but if you have older children who can play while you shop, you can leave them at the following places.
1)Le Petit Palais Galaries Lafayette Le Gourmet The Mall – Dubai
2)Cheeky Monkey Next to Dubai Mall
3)KizZone AlBahar Located in Souk Al Bahar, right next to Dubai Mall
Children over 3 years old can attend this kindergarten for a few days a week.
As I have mentioned many times on this blog, Dubai is basically VERY child-friendly. Even in upscale restaurants, high chairs are provided, and there is no place where children are not allowed. However, kids sometimes get bored, so I think it is good that there are options like these.
If you are interested in going, please let us know! If you are interested, please let us know! We will be here at least until the end of January. Please let us know if you are interested.
We post our daily life on Instagram and TIktok. Please take a look!