As a mother of a 3-year-old daughter and a 1-year-old, I’m excited to share some of Tokyo’s best playgrounds. These parks are particularly beloved by my 3-year-old, who can spend endless hours enjoying the exciting play equipment. I’ve specifically chosen parks that are not only fun but also relatively accessible from major stations and tourist spots. These playgrounds offer a perfect blend of adventure and convenience for families exploring Tokyo.Japan ranks third globally in the number of parks, with Tokyo boasting the highest number of parks among all prefectures in the country. Here are some of the most exciting playgrounds for children in Tokyo:
- Sakurazaka Park (Robo-Robo Park) (Minato City, 0-minute walk from Roppongi Station)
- Features 10 unique and colorful slides, a favorite among children
- 44 robot statues stacked to form a totem pole
- Known affectionately as “Robo-Robo Park” due to its vibrant colors and robot theme

- Yoyogi Pony Park (Shibuya City, 5-minute walk from Sangubashi Station)
- Rare opportunity to interact with real ponies in the heart of Tokyo
- Offers pony rides and petting sessions
- Located right next to Meiji Shrine, combining nature and animal experiences
- Very quiet neighborhood

- Haru no Ogawa Community Park (Shibuya City, 7-minute walk from Yoyogi-koen Station)
- Adventure playground encouraging free play and creativity
- Features handmade treehouses and rope swings
- Situated next to Yoyogi Park, offering a natural environment for imaginative play
- Spare cloth is a must- Kids get muddy!
- The famous glass wall bathroom is here

- Shinjuku Chuo Park (Shinjuku City, 5-minute walk from Nishi-shinjuku-gochome Station)
- Spacious playground and grassy areas
- Large play equipment and a dedicated area for infants
- Urban park with views of Shinjuku’s skyscrapers
- We always go here when we stay at Park Hyatt Tokyo/ Hyatt Regency Tokyo

- Arisugawa-no-miya Memorial Park (Minato City, 5-minute walk from Hiroo Station)
- Vast park with lush nature
- An oasis in the city
- Combines historical gardens with modern play equipment
- Get to meet International kids who live in that area
- Close to Roppongi Hils
- We always go there when we stay at Grand Hyatt Tokyo

- Hibiya Park (Chiyoda City, 1-minute walk from Hibiya Station)
- Various play equipment including a Tarzan rope, slides, and swings
- Large grassy areas and seasonal flower displays
- Historic park near the Imperial Palace and Ginza
- Hotel near by: Imperial Hotel, Peninsula Tokyo etc.

These parks offer unique and exciting experiences for children, with a variety of play equipment that can keep them entertained for hours. They’re also conveniently located near major Tokyo landmarks, making them perfect stops during your family’s Tokyo adventures.
- さくら坂公園(ロボロボ公園)(港区、六本木駅から徒歩0分)
- 10種類の個性的な滑り台が並ぶ、子供に大人気の公園
- 想像力を刺激する独特なデザイン
- 44体のロボットを重ねたトーテムポールが特徴的
- 色とりどりの鮮やかな色彩に溢れ、「ロボロボ園」の愛称で親しまれている2
- 渋谷区立代々木ポニー公園(渋谷区、参宮橋駅から徒歩5分)
- 本物のポニーと触れ合える貴重な公園
- 引き馬乗馬やふれあいタイムを体験可能
- 明治神宮のすぐ横に位置し、都心で自然と動物に触れ合える
- はるのおがわコミュニティパーク(渋谷区、代々木公園駅から徒歩7分)
- 自由な発想で遊べるプレーパーク
- 手作りの秘密基地や木にかけられたブランコなど
- 代々木公園のすぐ横にあり、自然豊かな環境で創造的な遊びが可能
- 新宿中央公園(新宿区、西新宿五丁目駅から徒歩5分)
- 広い遊具場と芝生エリア、スタバあり。
- 大きな遊具と乳児専用エリアがリノベーションされてめっちゃいい
- 新宿の高層ビル群を眺めながら遊べる都会的な公園
- 有栖川宮記念公園(港区、広尾駅から徒歩5分)
- 広大な自然豊かな公園
- 都会のオアシス的存在
- 歴史ある庭園と現代的な遊具が共存
- 日本に住む外国人の子たちともたくさん遊べる
- 日比谷公園(千代田区、日比谷駅から徒歩1分)
- ターザンロープ、すべり台、ブランコなど多様な遊具がサラリーマンのオアシスにある
- 広大な芝生広場と季節の花々
- 皇居や銀座にも近く、都心の中心にある歴史ある公園